another ramble of a post

today i feel pretty grateful. i think i'm lucky to have the life i live. it's the small things that remind me of this. like coming home from a day of lunch & catching up with a couple of friends to a cute husband that has tidied up our whole house. laundry washing, dishes cleaned, clothes folded on the bed... it was just so nice. he's pretty great. & then being told i can pick anywhere i want to eat dinner. see how nice he is? i am so grateful for him. & for our friends. & for our family. & for the gospel. i don't think i express it enough, but i'm so lucky for all of these factors in my life because it's how i've become the girl/woman/lady i am. i think i need to stop every once in a while & take a few minutes to be more grateful. remember all the wonderful things that happen every single day.

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