while we were in costa rica i read three books : Wild, The Language of Flowers, & #Girlboss.
they were all so, so good & i would definitely recommend them all. buuuut the one that really stuck with me was wild. i could not stop reading it.
WILD is a true story about a women in her mid 20's who after many life changing events goes soul/life searching while on the pacific crest trail (pct), a hike that starts in mexico & ends in canada. the book documents the events leading up to her decision to go on the hike & everything she encounters throughout the hike. the author used her journal entries from the time to write her story & it is so inspiring. the book was seriously a page turner for me, i couldn't stop reading it. plus, there's a movie about it, so check out the trailer HERE.

"until now, i hadn't truly understood the world's vastness--hadn't even understood how vast a mile could be-until each mile was beheld at walking speed. and yet there was also its opposite, the strange intimacy i'd come to have with the trail, the way the piñon pines and monkey flowers i passed that morning, the shallow streams i crossed, felt familiar and known, though i'd never passed them or crossed them before."

the book had so many quotes that i loved. i was constantly underlining different things.

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